Hi, I have a 48' Samson design owner-built ( not by me) cutter-ketch.I like your site very much, and see that it will grow to be even more comprehensive source of information. I read in your repair section and wanted to add what I know that you might check out if you find it interesting. I have found a product sold widely in home repair outlets that will adhere to raw old cement, and is touted to be able to repair such things as broken bird baths and step faces. This is a premixed ( just add water) vinyl cement...selling for about $10.00/forty pounds retail. I used this product after making test "swatches" using expanded metal lath, and was satisfied with it's breaking strength and appearance. I also put lumps of the mix onto a glass jar to test it's ahesive qualities...I have hit these lumps with a hammer (not breaking the glass) and twisted it by hand making every attempt to remove is still adhesed. I then used it to fill and fair some origional epoxy fairing between the ferro hull and the wood. I am very satisfied. Note:...I found that a slick surface can be obtained if the plastic food seal wrap is spread over it's surface and smoothed over to set. Also, I found that autobody filler, is good for fairing, but it absorbs moisture, so don't use it against metal. There was another product from the 1970's called "ferrolite" which was an epoxy cement. Thank you for your site...I will keep up with it to watch it grow.