

Hi everyone. I have recently purchased an unfinished Hartley 32 hull and have started work to finish it to hull deck and cabin stage. I am about ready to plaster the deck but I have drawn a blank on Pozzolan. Is this a brand name or a commercially available concrete additive. I live in Tasmania Australia, so if anyone could help me with some info it would be greatly appreciated. Love the forum by the way it has already helped me over some of the headaches from buying a 20 year old ferro hull.

Wayne Marshall...wmarshal@ozemail.com.au

Hi everyone. I have recently purchased an unfinished Hartley 32 hull and have started work to finish it to hull deck and cabin stage. I am about ready to plaster the deck but I have drawn a blank on Pozzolan. Is this a brand name or a commercially available concrete additive. I live in Tasmania Australia, so if anyone could help me with some info it would be greatly appreciated. Love the forum by the way it has already helped me over some of the headaches from buying a 20 year old ferro hull.

Wayne Marshall...wmarshal@ozemail.com.au

hi colin Thanks for the reply to my query.It saved me some headaches.I am working from a very old copy of your book,about 20-22 years.My book says to use a cement and water wash for a joining compound, I have heard mention that there are better ways. Would it be worthwhile to buy the book again in its most recent reprint.I have already ordered hartleys "new" guide to boatbuilding.

Wayne Marshall....wmarshal@ozemail.com.au

Hi Wayne, the new book 'Ferro-cement Boats', is not a reprint, it is a totally new book and will give you the up-to-date info you want. Regards

Colin Brookes...colb@xtra.co.nz
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The information and comments given on this 'World Of Ferroboats', website are based on first-hand experience gained by the contributors over many years of use, designing, surveying, building and repairing ferro-cement boats.