First time builder

First time builder

I am looking at the "Kittiwake" fishing boat from the Jack R. Whitener book, Ferro-Cement Boat Construction. At the time of print the hull design was for wood not ferro-cement. Is there an updated design in ferro cement in this style. I am looking to match this hull with a ** item #HD-295ACB1. Thanks if you can help.


Hi Ken, the book you mention was written over 30 years ago by someone with virtually no experience on the subject. The drawings he gives are as you rightly say, for wooden boats and not even designed for construction in ferro-cement. The book has only curiosity or collectors value. You will need to ensure that any plans you use were either drawn up specifically for ferro-cement construction or fully and properly adapted by someone well experienced in it's use. Try the designs at

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The information and comments given on this 'World Of Ferroboats', website are based on first-hand experience gained by the contributors over many years of use, designing, surveying, building and repairing ferro-cement boats.