Laid decks

Laid decks

Colin. I saw the post regarding laid decks. I had been thinking about this and wondering what the method was on ferro boats. I couldn't imagine that a deck would have to be battened prior to planking. Then I saw your response to Marks post. Can you clear my mind please? I thought that teak was too 'oily' for epoxy to hold it permanently. I have seen many teak decks on ferro boats, they certainly look good, I had often pondered on how it was done. Regards.


Hi Barry, many others including ourselves have successfully used epoxy glues with teak. It was often too oily for the glues we used to use which contained formaldahyde (not sure if that's the right spelling), such as Aerodux and Cascaphen etc. Although it usually worked reasonably well with the substitute Iroko. And it definitely didn't work with the waterbased Aerolite and Cascamite. (Or the foul smelling stuff we originally used made by boiling down horses and cattle...ugh). I am pretty sure there is a close-up picture of a Mk2 Fijian with a teak veneered deck I surveyed in the Med. In the 'gallery' section of either the Hartley or ferroboats websites. regards

parallax background

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