What About The C-Baron

What About The C-Baron

There's a 50 ft. C-Baron, built and designed by Samson, that I'm interested in buying. Two decades ago, I knew quite a bit about ferro boats. I've pretty well forgotten it all by now. Anybody out there who can tell me about this design, whether there are inherent problems? What to watch out for and what would be a fair price for one in good shape? I'm in California. Anybody know of a California surveyor who has more than a nodding acquaintance with the practice and theory of ferrocement boat building? I stumbled upon the ferroboat Web site. What a gem. Now I don't feel like I'm nuts.,Patrick J. Mackie, San Diego to Cresent City. fax (805) 238-6498

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The information and comments given on this 'World Of Ferroboats', website are based on first-hand experience gained by the contributors over many years of use, designing, surveying, building and repairing ferro-cement boats.