Samson Gallery
Samson Gallery
There are nearly 200 more pictures of Samson & Hartley ferroboats at

Samson C-Strutter 'Stormstrutter', pictured during a Pacific cruise with her owner John Samson aboard. John a Canadian, joined forces with a group of designers and formed Samson Marine Designs Ltd. The group designed many fine craft.

45' Samson C-Smoke on the hard in Trinidad

Samson C-Spirit 'Drumbeat' owned by Bob Jones

I own the Samson design yard-built ferro sloop pictured in the attachment. Finding your website by chance is a joy to me. I purchased "The Rock" after looking at many kinds of boats and found her to be the most bang for the buck. She has a 22 hp Sabb diesel with about 750 hrs on it, and running nicely. She is slow but true, well insulated and warm. A perfect Northwest/USA boat for me. I couldn't begin to have the comforts of another type of vessel for the money. She was built in 86, and well maintained by the two owners she has had since then. No cosmetic problems, no fuel leak lines in the hull, no lumpy lines, no cracks. Now that I know about your book and website, I am happy to have a place to share, and find information. Thankyou many times over already.
Kind Regards, Dave Draper/Tour Manager/The Robert Cray Band.

45' Samson C-Deuce 'Songkran'

29' Samson C-Lion
Photos of Lady Rose
Hi Colin ! Here are the photos of Lady Rose . Yacht is made by Matti Riipinen/ Finland 1980-86. Samson C-Crest -36, 12 tons. Height 15 m, depth 1,80 m (designed by J.J. Norris Canada). Seppo Häyrinen bought it in 1992 and sailed on Baltic sea and Finnins lakes and Circumnavigation the world years 1995-97. ( 50,000 miles)

Lady Rose on the Finnish Lakes 1990

Lady Rose in Martinique

Lady Rose in the Med 1997

Hello, I transmit you a photo of my yacht 'Treyco' in ferro cement. Constructed by myself in Switzerland in 1979 and it cruised more than 30,000 milles and 4 transatlantic. Design is by C.F.Norris. Plan is Samson C-Swallow 48' Cutter.

45ft Samson C-Deuce 'Angelwhip', owned by Elizabeth and John Roberts of Canada

'Siesta Key', a 53ft Samson C-Lord designed by P.Noble