Samson Gallery

Samson Gallery

There are nearly 200 more pictures of Samson & Hartley ferroboats at

Photos of Lady Rose

Hi Colin ! Here are the photos of Lady Rose . Yacht is made by Matti Riipinen/ Finland 1980-86. Samson C-Crest -36, 12 tons. Height 15 m, depth 1,80 m (designed by J.J. Norris Canada). Seppo Häyrinen bought it in 1992 and sailed on Baltic sea and Finnins lakes and Circumnavigation the world years 1995-97. ( 50,000 miles)

There are nearly 200 more pictures of Samson & Hartley ferroboats at

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The information and comments given on this 'World Of Ferroboats', website are based on first-hand experience gained by the contributors over many years of use, designing, surveying, building and repairing ferro-cement boats.