What's in a name
What's in a name
By Colin Brookes.mSNAME.amRINA.
Over the years I have seen many names used for ferroboats, often cleverly concocted from word associations with cement, concrete and stone etc. Below is a short list as well as several pictures.
- 'Maid Of Seamint'
- 'Maid Of Portland'
- 'Loadstone'
- 'Brimstone'
- 'Touchstone'
- 'Sementiciious'
- 'Concretia'
- 'Concors'
- 'Bedrock'
- 'Rocco'
- 'Rocko'
- 'Rocky'
- 'Stonechat'
- 'Lady Silica'

'Rock Bottom', a Hartley 32.

'Gypsum Moth', a Hartley 32.