

A Regularly updated list of Links to sites of Interest

Hartley & Brookes Associates

You can't discuss ferroboats without discussing a 'Hartley ferroboat'. There are probably more 'Hartley ferroboats', than all other designers added together. And there is hardly a corner of the world where a 'Hartley ferroboat', can't be seen.

We also supply and offer advice on Samson plans.

For the most comprehensive list of ferroboat plans and advice go to

We Can Help Arrange Insurance For Hartley Ferroboats
Brookes Classic Boats

Builders & Restorers of Classic Wooden Boats

(a great website with many pictures & stories)
I.C.A. (Island Cruising Association)

This site is a must for anyone seriously considering cruising the Pacific. Many members are ferroboat owners including the president and his wife who own and regularly make ocean cruises in their Hartley 'Fijian 37' (Golden Cowrie). The 'I.C.A', is affiliated to associations in both the UK and the USA.
Peter's Sailing Page

A very interesting website.The story, log and pictures of Peter Freeman's record breaking world circumnavigation in a 'Hartley 32' home-built ferro-cement sailboat.

Whale and Dolphin Research Holidays to the Azores Archipelago

Aboard the 68ft ferro schooner 'Colomban'

Whale Watch Azores / Archipelago Azores Ltd.

Tel/Fax 00 44 1295 267652
USA National Concrete Canoe Annual Championships

In 1996 we sold our house and car, retired from work, and set sail in our beautiful ferroboat 'Illywhacker.

Peter & Lyndall Aston's story and voyages.
parallax background

Want to know more about Ferrocement?

The information and comments given on this 'World Of Ferroboats', website are based on first-hand experience gained by the contributors over many years of use, designing, surveying, building and repairing ferro-cement boats.