Hartley Gallery

Hartley Gallery

Gallery Of Hartley Ferro-cement Boats

There are nearly 200 more pictures of Hartley & Samson ferroboats at


The first Mk1'Fijian 43'. Built by Colin Brookes
and below the same boat 30 years later.

'Harliquin'. A Hartley 'North Sea 37' built by Hartley & Brookes and fitted out by her owner Stuart Lawrence and his father.

'Charmiela'. A 'Tahitian 37', (South Seas). She was line-winner by 2 days in the 'South Pacific Regatta', which is a 1,169 mile race for cruisers from Auckland to Fiji. F. The owners then took her on to Brisbane, Australia.. Below is an Australian built Hartley 'Blue Marlin 38'

(above) Mk2 'Fijian 43', in a Majorca marina.

(below) Mk1 'Fijian 43' (built at 48'), in Gibralter harbour. She has been radically altered, a raised aft deck and transom hung rudder to name just a few.

Hartley Tahitian Fisherman 50ft after almost 30 years of continious service.She is the outside vessel in picture below.
A Hartley 'Searaker' built in Wales but used for pleasure in Spain
There are nearly 200 more pictures of Hartley & Samson ferroboats at


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Want to know more about Ferrocement?

The information and comments given on this 'World Of Ferroboats', website are based on first-hand experience gained by the contributors over many years of use, designing, surveying, building and repairing ferro-cement boats.